January 24, 2008

FETC 2008

Hi everyone!

I'm blogging from FETC 2008 in Orlando, FL. So far the conference has been really great! Unfortunately for me, I had major tech problems with my movies that were embedded in my PowerPoint. I am going to put those videos on this blog as soon as I have a little bit of spare time. Right now, I'm headed back to the conference to attend a couple of afternoon sessions. Check back either tonight or tomorrow for those videos of student created projects, and teacher and principal testimonials about Project STRIVE.


Paty Savage

January 17, 2008

Teacher Leader - Blogging Presentation

Here are the links from my Blogging presentation made on 1/18 to the Teacher Leaders at the Schultz Center. I hope that this information is helpful and that you will soon be blogging with your students, parents and communities.

Here are links to sample classroom blogs:

Here are the links to blogging resources:

January 11, 2008

Some Articles About Instructional Technology

Here are some links to some articles about the importance of technology in education today.

This is just a little "taste" of the articles and research studies that are out there. Happy Reading!